Thursday, 18 June 2015

Fashion Personality: Claire Eniola Iderawumi

Hope you have all had a great week? It is Friday again! I expect that we are in happy or at least relaxing mood and mode for the weekend.

Today we have the privilege of having on the blog a Fashion Illustrator Extraordinaire, Iderawumi Claire Eniola. She's young, in her early 20s, shhs don't tell anyone, yet she is exceptional at what she does. Check out the interview we had below.

Classy Africans: Hello Claire, would you please give us a brief introduction of yourself and how you got into fashion Illustration? 

Claire: My name is Iderawumi Claire Eniola. I studied Architecture in the higher institution. When it comes to illustration, I did not get into fashion illustration, fashion illustration found me. My journey with it started during my final year in school. The interesting thing is I am completely self taught I drew on anything I could use a Pencil and Crayon on. 

''Daisy Ladies Series
I am always inspired by fantasy and fashion, the vulnerability and strength of the female gender. Daisy Ladies is a teen series which simply gives a feel of youthfulness, freedom and fantasy

Daisy  Lady  Neriya

Daisy Lady Cara

Daisy Lady Abella''

Classy Africans: Besides fashion and beauty illustrating what else do you engage in? Do you sell your works: 

Claire: I am a creative entrepreneur, asides fashion illustration and design, I also do graphic designs. No, at the moment, I do not sell my works. 

Classy Africans: We see from you IG page that you are going to take an illustration class, can you tell us a little about that? and also tell us what you have experienced as the appreciation level for art works and illustration in your country?

Claire: The illustration class is a platform for self taught fashion designers, upcoming designers, illustrators and fashion enthusiasts to learn how to go about with the whole design process; from illustration to moodboards to collage making to fashion art. Its a short course for people who barely have the time for school but would love to learn and interact with other designers in the industry.

I believe the appreciation for art work is evolving and is certainly being more appreciated now than before. 

''Lost FLower Queen
This is a series inspired by fashion photography. Apparently because of the  flower crown trend.  The Story behind every piece in this collection is inspired by African women, their flws, strenghts and beauty

Latifah, peace bringer

Ife, the beloved

Maria, the kindhearted''

Classy Africans: Have you met and interacted with other illustrators in your country? Plus do you make illustration for designer? If so who are some designers you have worked with?

Claire: Yes I have interacted with some fashion illustrators. The likes of Obinna O, Leankid and yegaillustrations. Pretty amazing people.

I have worked with a handful of designers like Kene Rapu, Moofa, Eve and Tribe and some others.

Classy Africans: What projects do you have this year that we should look forward to?

Claire: I like to keep that secret until they are all out, so watch my space!

''Lagos fashion and design week, 2014
At each day of the event, I sat and illustrated every piece that came on the runway, while the show was going on. I had sketches of the backstage drama, the street styles by the guests and designers and also fascinating sights. 


Classy African (laughs). Okay then, we will be watching. What advise do you have for people who love the idea of drawing but cannot fathom how to and would you double that up for those who can draw and are aspiring to improve themselves? 

Claire: I advise the aspiring drawers to take classes if they can, buy drawing books, practice till they get perfect.

To the people who already know how to draw, particularly the ones aspiring to become fashion illustrators, I say, be consistent in your art and never be pressurized by other people's art, just do you!

Classy Africans: Do you have outlets like Youtube that viewers can watch to learn and be amused/entertained?

Claire: Working on a vimeo page for my hyperlapse videos. Its plainly for those who want to be entertained.

Classy Africans: Any advise to people wishing to follow a dream or passion?

Claire: Your dream is nobody else’s' dream, keep pushing till the world sees through your eyes. Never give up on what gives you joy.

''Other works


Classy Africans: One more advice, this time to those wanting to become entrepreneurs.

Claire: Planning is key, take the appropriate steps to starting a business, read books if you can, seek advice from successful entrepreneurs. We don’t stop learning, if you have to get an extra degree in business management or design development, please do!

Classy Africans: Is there any quote or saying that you like? 

 Claire: I can!

Thank you very much Claire, for giving us the pleasure of interviewing you.

As you can see, her works are beyond beauty.
She proves that there is vast amount of talent in Africans. 
You can check her out on Instagram @claireidera 

Classy Africans